SCUBA Diving

Dive Shops

There are numerous dive shops on the island that offer the full range of services. Ask seasoned SCUBA divers for recommendations, read reviews, SCUBA magazine articles, etc. to pick up one the most suitable for you.

Very conveniently diving boats can pick up divers and snorkelers staying in Residencias Reef from the Residencias Reef/Secrets Aura pier saving you a trip to the marina.

Diving Sites

Ship Wreck C-53

See the Mexican Navy minesweeper that sunk in 2000. You can see a variety of species in the hulls of the ship!

Depth: 50 to 70 ft

Skill Level: Novice-Intermediate

Tormentos Reef

This reef makes for a great second dive, though currents can be fast. There are reef head formation of 20' to 30'. You might see the occasional nurse shark or two and turtles.

Depth: 50 to 70 ft

Skill Level: Intermediate 

Yucab Reef & Wall 

Generally there are strong current here, but this reef has some great reef heads. Turtle grass hides sting rays and other species.

Depth: 50 to 130 ft

Skill Level: Novice-Expert 

Punta Tunich 

Sandy bottom at 70' and then you reach coral. This dive moves quickly dure to currents so it it is not so great for photos.

Depth: 50 to 130 ft

Skill Level: Intermediate-Advance 

Cordona Reef

This shallow reef is great for snorkeling and diving. The waters are just teeming with schools of tropical fish. There are some mild currents.

Depth: 20 to 50 ft

Skill Level: Novice 

San Francisco Reef/Wall

This reef begins at the old southern end of the San Fran Beach. The reef is about 1/2 mile in length. It makes for a great second dive.

Depth: 45 to 120 ft

Skill Level: Intermediate 

San Clemente

This a great dive for beginners as it is a long & shallow dive. There are smaller reef heads, but a variety of sea life to be seen.

Depth: 20 to 30 ftSkill Level: Beginner 

Yellow House aka "No Name Reef"

This reef contains a variety of "transitional" reef life. With lots of open sand bottom this dive is great for beginners.

Depth: 35 to 50 ft

Skill Level: Beginner 

Santa Rosa Wall

One of the most popular deep dives in Cozumel, there are lots of overhangs, swim throughs and caves. You will be sure to see lots of fish life.

Depth: 50 to 120 ft

Skill Level: Intermediate 

Barracuda Reef

Wall/ reef is located on the North end of the island. There are strong currents, but you do have the chance to see the occasional eagle ray, lots of turtles and other species; lobster, grunt, crab etc.

Depth: 45 to 100 ft

Skill Level: Expert 

San Juan Reef

San Juan reef is a North end, low profile reef with fields of finger coral. All varieties of species can be found. Occasionally, rough conditions and fast currents can be encountered.

Depth: 40 to 60 ft

Skill Level: Expert 

Cantarel (Eagle Ray Wall)

December until the end of February the eagle rays may be found here as the females come to mate. An amazing dive as at times you may be surrounded by a dozen or so or eagle rays. 

Depth: 40 to 100 ft

Skill Level: Intermediate 

Sunken Boats & Pillars

You can do this dive from the shore. You swim to sunken boats where you may spot an eel, snapper and other species. Drift north to a concrete pillar landscape.

Depth: 35 to 50 ft

Skill Level: Advanced 

Villa Blanca Wall/Shallows

This dive spot is great for all levels. Located across from the Villa Blanca Hotel, you can find sponges, beautiful coral life and the occasional eel and turtle.

Depth: 20 to 120 ft

Skill Level: Novice-Advance 

Paradise Reef/Shallows

Great for beginners, this is the first reef of the Marine Park. It is a popular 2nd tank dive. 

Depth: 30 to 40 ft

Skill Level: Novice 

Las Palmas Reef

Beginners and snorkelers welcome. This reef has an abundance of small and large species. Turtles, parrot fish and more! There is also a wall that drops into the great abyss.

Depth: 30 to 50 ft

Skill Level: Beginner 

Chankanaab Reef

In front of the Chankanaab Park, this reef has mild currents and it is quite sandy with small coral heads. A variety of species can be found here.

Depth: 35 to 40 ft

Skill Level: Beginner 

Chankanaab Balones

Another part of the Chankanaab Park, these are a series of balloon shaped coral heads. The visibility here is diminished by the fresh water runoff from the cenote systems in Cozumel. 

Depth: 35 to 40 ft

Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate 

Paso del Cedral

You can make this location a wall or shore dive. The landscape is sloping rolling hills with coral and sponges. Great for some underwater photography. You may spot an eel or two.

Depth: 50 to 60 ft

Skill Level: Intermediate 

La Francesca

La Francesca consists of small sand hills that are covered with scattered coral & sponges. There is a variety of marine life; nurse sharks, turtles & more! This dive location is also great for photo opportunities.

Depth: 30 to 60 ft

Skill Level: Novice-Intermediate 


Palancar has several dive locations; Gardens, Horseshoe, Caves & Bricks. Great for swim throughs, coral formations resting on white sand.

Depth: 25 to 125 ft

Skill Level: Novice-Intermediate 

Columbia Reefs

Columbia Reefs also consist of many dive locations; Columbia (60'-90'), Deep (60'-120'), and Shallows (30'-50'). This dive location is great for mixed level diving. There are a variety of reef formations and fish life.

Depth: 15 to 90 ft

Skill Level: Novice-Intermediate 

Punta Sur

Excellent multi-level dive. Punta Sur is know for fast currents, so you have to be careful and you must be skilled enough to descend easily. This is also home of the famous "Devils Throat" dive where you descend 90' to a cave entrance & exit at 130'!

Depth: 50 to 130 ft

Skill Level: Advanced 


Large sand hills with varied coral heads wgucg slopes into the abyss. Strong currents great arch swim through. It is quite an impressive wall dive.

Depth: 70 to 150 ft

Skill Level: Advanced 

Punta Celarain (snorkel)

What a wonderful and beautiful shallow reef. Not frequented by many divers, but this is a 100m long run that is parallel to the beach. A variety of sea life can be found here.

Depth: 5 to 20 ft

Skill Level: Snorkeler 


Current can be unpredictable at Chun-Chacaab. This is another dive that is not frequented by many, but it is a good dive wth Nitrox. 

Depth: 60 to 80 ft

Skill Level: Advanced 

Hunan & Cannons

These are both rare dives as they are located on the "other side" of the island. You typically visit if there is a Norte. On this dive you can take the opportunity to see cannon balls that are believed to have be left by an old sunken Spanish ship.

Depth: 20 to 50 ft

Skill Level: Intermediate